You Have It All

You Have It All

Today, I finally figured out how to use my audio interface with the iPad. Turns out, all I needed to do was plug it in with an adapter. It just worked.

Naturally, this was the last thing I tried. I bought two other audio interfaces specifically designed for use with mobile devices to "make this work" because it never occurred to me that what I had was already enough to do the job.

I had heard somewhere that it wouldn't work, believed it, and then gone googling.

I think this happens a lot, both with equipment, but also life in general and us as people. Somewhere along the way, we buy into a story.

It seems that it is a lot easier to believe in problems than in solutions.

"You already have it all" robs us of our struggle. So we just ignore it.

And yet, so many times it turns out that what we needed was already there. In a drawer, in a box under the bed, inside of us, right in front of us.

I don't know what it is that makes us insist on going the extra loop, taking a long way around and circling back. Maybe, we need the struggle in order to believe in ourselves.

The key to our own power seems to be forgetting about them just to re-discover them.

We only buy into ourselves when we have exhausted all the other options. "You're enough just makes things too simple.

So, when there is no journey to make or no mountain to climb, we just make one for ourselves so we can still feel like we overcame something to become as amazing as we are.

Perhaps it comes from being taught that being amazing from the get-go is arrogant?

Whatever it is, the people who can see through this and cut right to the chase have a rare gift. Clarity and self-belief in that clarity are rare traits. So, when you see it in someone, don't squash it.

Nobody will have this ability in all areas of their lives, but I have an inkling that any "gift" or "talent" isn't only aptitude, it's a special ability to focus on what matters in that specific area and realising that you don't have to take the extra five turns.

It's the ability to see that you already have everything you need.

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